Unlock more energy and joy

Holistic, trauma-informed, compassionate, results-driven

Hello, I’m Leah Waldo!

As an Abundant Living Mentor and Holistic Healing Practitioner, I empower creative professionals to build a life and career that uses their unique gifts and help them access optimal health and wellness.

I'm glad you're here and look forward to connecting with you!

In our work together, we will go beyond traditional coaching and dive into you, your soul mission, what lights you up, and your personalized path to success and wellness.

You're ready to make an energetically-aligned income doing what lights you up and GIVES you energy rather than draining it.

You want to wake up each day feeling even more at peace, fulfilled, and valued for your creative gifts.

You're ready for more fun, and are excited to be more relaxed and joyful on a daily basis.

You desire to achieve optimal health and wellness in all ways: body, mind, and soul.

Abundant Living Mentor and Trauma-Informed Healing Practitioner

I help you uncover your custom creative abundance success map and supporting you in BECOMING the one who does what it takes to actualize your energetically-aligned income.

If you are a professional who is ready to get that ‘vision board’ job out of your head and into your bank account and life experience, and you are ready to release ‘the glory of the grind’ mindset, let’s chat!

We will define your path to turn your golden handcuffs into energetically-aligned revenue without having to write a business plan or working yourself to death.

Thriving Creative

Path to Peace Healing Program

Client Testimonials

Are you ready to profoundly monetize your gifts?

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