Stress makes empathic women burned out and dissociated.

It's time to elevate your energy & joy, feel more grounded, and master self-trust.

A curated program designed specifically for you will get you there.

Unlock More Energy and Joy

Holistic, trauma-informed, and compassionately results-driven

In our work together, we will dive into you, your soul mission, what lights you up, and create your personalized path to success and wellness.

You're ready to feel consistently energized and focused throughout the day, create harmony between mind, body, and spirit, and tapped into what lights you up and GIVES you energy rather than draining it.

You want to wake up each day feeling at peace, fulfilled, and vibrant.

You're ready for more fun, and are excited to be more relaxed and joyful on a daily basis.

You desire to achieve optimal health and wellness in all ways: body, mind, and soul.

Hi, I'm Leah Waldo!

As an Intuitive Healer, Mentor and Artist, I empower female professionals like you to stop feeling burned out so you can achieve emotional peace and radiant health and wellness.

Unleash your potential with skilled guidance that integrates intuitive, creative, and practical expertise to help you thrive.

I'm grateful to have a fulfilled life full of healthy relationships, vibrant health, emotional resilience, a profound spiritual connection, and an aligned career.

It wasn't always this way...

Some of my challenges include healing after the grief of my late partner's passing, releasing dissatisfying relationships, and healing chronic fatigue, chronic illness and pain, digestive issues, depression and anxiety.

I was dissociated and numb, disconnected from my higher self, and worked in a corporate job that paid the bills but drained my lifeforce.

I love the life I have now and want you to experience a life where you're thriving, energized, and thrilled about the future to come. Let's co-create your path to radiance and vitality.

Thriving Creative

Path to Peace Healing Program

Client Testimonials

Are you ready to access profound emotional peace?

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